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Apartment for rent / Appartamento in affitto

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£295 GBP | $365 USD

Type: Apartment
Lease Term: Monthly - no contract
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
Furnishings: Furnished
Utilities: Included in price

Speaks: English
Advert last updated: 4/18/2024
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Apartment for rent / Appartamento in affitto

Agenzia immobiliare Godina 26
Ubicazione: Reparto 13/ Durazzo
Abbiamo immobili nelle città di Durazzo, Golem, Qerret.
Per qualsiasi immobile di tuo interesse nelle città in cui operiamo, contattaci su WhatsApp 722

Real Estate Agency Godina 26
Location: Ward 13/ Durres
We have properties in the cities of Durres, Golem, Qerret.
For any property you are interested in in the cities we operate, contact us on WhatsApp 722

Agjensia Imobiliare Godina 26
Vendodhja: Lagjja 13/ Durres
Kemi prona ne qytetin e Durresit, Golemit, Qerret.
Per cdo prone qe jeni te interesuar ne qytetet qe ne operojme, na kontaktoni ne whatsApp 722
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Additional Rates:

Map / Location

Exact location not provided - showing map of "Durres" Albania

Address: Plazh
City: Durres
Region: Durres
Area: Adriatic Sea
Country: Albania
Main Features:
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Availability Calendar: booked Booked Available Available
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