Select Dates and Guests to check availability
€498 EUR | £420 GBP | $555 USD
Type: Room
Lease Term: Monthly
Maximum Stay: 12 month(s)
Minimum Stay: 1 month(s)
Rooms available to rent:
1 room
Bathrooms: 1
Max Occupancy: 1 guest
Furnishings: Furnished
Utilities: Included
Meet the host:
Listing by: Rogelio
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Roy's Homestay
Features: • Internet Access • Laundry • Garden • Parking
The reason why I am running a home stay is because when I first came to Canada I had a home stay who helped and guided me through this city. They helped me understand the culture and customs of Canadians. They also taught me how to prepare with the everyday challenges a Winnipeger may face. I have been hosting student rentals for about 2 years. Me and my family are originally from Venezuela; I have been around the states, Europe and the Caribbeans. I enjoy spending time with my family, my grandson, and helping out in our Venezuelan community and church. Rules of the house; -No Parties allowed -No Overnight Guest unless arranged -No Loud noises after 11:00 pm -No Indoor Smoking -No Drugs -No Pets allowed
Local Amenities:
Shopping Centre
Local Bus Stop
Included in the stay:
Kitchen Access Breakfast