£2,250 GBP | $2,789 USD
Type: House
Lease Term: 12 months lease
Minimum Stay: 12 month(s)
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 4
Furnishings: Furnished
Utilities: Please Contact me
Malta Sothebys International Realty
Location: Malta
Speaks: English
Advert last updated: 2/9/2025

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Fully Detached Villa
Fully detached villa located in a most sought-after area of San Pawl Tat-arga. This villa is surrounded by a large mature garden which is ideal for entertaining. The ground floor has a hallway, kitchen, living and dining area, a sitting room, study and a cloak room. Upstairs there are four double bedrooms all leading on to terraces and four bathrooms, two of which are en-suite. There is also an option to have two more bedrooms. It can be offered both furnished or semi furnished and would be ideal for a family home. Included is also a carport that can accommodate six cars.